Rub The Salt In While The Wound Is Still Fresh And Raw.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Two days after the Brussels bombing the dust is settling down and things are becoming clearer now. Israel was about the first to start barking via their minister Israel Iztak. He accused the Belgium people of ‘eating chocolate and party, doing nothing against terrorism’. Then Hilary Clinton followed by stating that the European countries don’t exchange data they have. She said, “It is for us Americans easier to find terrorists in Europe than it is for European countries”. First and foremost: where on earth did Israel find the guts to scold another country? Israel is the biggest aggressor in the Middle East! As for Hilary Clinton: Not very wise to say these things when you are running for the presidency. What did America do against the Boston bombers? What does America do against all the shootings? It was published that the FBI knew about two of the bombers. Did they inform Europe? No, they rather rub the salt in while our wounds are still fresh and raw. And let’s go back to the start. Was it not America that invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? Was it not America that supported the rebels in Syria? Was it not America that wanted to force these countries into a democracy? And I really mean force them! With tanks and bombs, no less! Whose idiot brains came up with that stupid idea?

Arab countries are not very well known as being democratic countries. We might not like the idea but we have to deal with it. Truth be known, before America started interfering on false grounds there were not that many terrorists. America started this giant mess under George W. Bush with his henchman Tony Blair. As I have said it often already, these two men should be put on trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity. (I am still convinced that 9/11 was an inside job.) Americans are so arrogant! They think they can rule the world. And now that Europe is paying the price they even have the guts to tell Europe countries how wrong they are. 

As for the suicide bombers, it really beats me. I cannot understand how people can even think of killing others, innocent people do not even know. Also, I do not know if the story about 72 virgins waiting for them is true. To me, it is such crap that I cannot even imagine that educated people believe this shit.

European leaders tell us “This is an attack on our norms and values”. This is a big lie. There are better ways to achieve that. No, they attack innocent civilians like you and me! People who more than likely do not even agree with our countries bombing Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Because we, civilians, know that throwing bombs will only lead to revenge. It is a political game where, again, the politicians themselves make sure they are safe. Wherever they go, go their bodyguards. We, the men in the street are just baited for fault play. 

Now, since we are involved, thanks to Bush and Blair, we have to act. And how do the great ‘wanna- be’ act? Not by joining hands. No, by burning others down. I strongly believe that terror can be stopped soon. If there is a will. But then we need real leaders. Not people like barker Trump, or a Clinton who does not even know about tact. The world today needs real great leaders that are for sure and not even impossible.

As for the extremists. I cannot imagine a single mother who would like her son to go to war and get killed or kill himself. The extremists know that very well and are aware of ‘danger’ when women start reacting. We saw the tragic example when some idiots tried to kill a 16-year-old girl who stood up against oppression. It would be very good if not even necessary if women in Arabic countries unite against religious fanatics. 

Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return.