Barkers Have No Solutions

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Yesterday morning I decided to listen to old music. Disco and soul to be exactly. It is the kind of music that can cheer me up. Unfortunately, it did not last long. News about the bombings in Brussels made my good mood disappear. And I became upset, angry, very angry. 

Several times already a group of brainless Neanderthal killed peaceful people. Because this group claims to fight for Islam and Allah. And again the religion is the base for terror. Now, if ever there would be a god (Which I really do not believe) why would he allow a bunch of uneducated apes to destroy his creation? If you are a true believer you should not go on reading. Through hundreds of years the world has faced many wars and 99,9% was because of religion. The people who tell us that they ‘know’ that God is a caring and loving creature somewhere out there are less peaceful than the guy they created. (Yes, in my opinion, it was mankind that created god and NOT the other way around) In the name of the ‘loving’ god thousands and thousands of people have been killed. And it will never stop. Religions have power over people. First, they spread fear and then they show themselves as true magicians who have the solution. “Come to us and pray! And donate as much as possible”. Yes, their creator is always in need of money. Money to buy weapons of mass destruction.

As you might understand, I am filled with anger and disgust. What kind of monsters like to kill people? Who raised these prehistoric creatures? And, the most important question, why are they not being stopped? I am just a simple man who never went to university. But I do use my brains! Of course, it should not be that hard to find the big brains behind the terror. They can find whatever they want on Mars but when it comes to terrorists  the world leaders tell us it is very hard to detect a bunch of idiots. They are fooling each and every one of us. As long as the ‘war on terror’ can go on a lot of money is made by the powerful weapon industry. And money is the real god. Money is more important than our well-being! That is my belief. The Vatican is the most wealthy institute in the world. If they really want to stop poverty they can do it! But a world filled with happy and healthy people is not what they want. Of course, that is what they tell us. And at the same time, they play their dirty, filthy tricks. It is commonly known that pope Pius XII blessed Hitler, Mussolini and even the weapons for war. The churches then were filled. And the people praised their pope and said “Amen!”. 

Please allow me to go on. The Vatican has changed its opinions so many times. It does not matter to their followers. They eat it all, no matter what. Pope Frances declared that gay people are part of society and should not be banned. Well well, that is a new one! For hundreds of years, gay people were the scum on earth. A disgrace in the eye of the creator. But forget about that. We change our opinion a bit and the followers will take it. Because if the pope says something it is the truth. That the truth changes over and over… well, who cares? Nobody questions it. I have never heard someone say “Now wait a minute! You changed the truth here. But for years you have been telling us something completely different. How are we supposed to know what is true? Tomorrow you might change it again”. People just follow without thinking. And that now is exactly what church- and world leaders want. Stupid folks that let themselves be fooled by filthy tricks. 

After the Brussels bombings they all showed up again: Politicians with their hollow and shallow phrases. Some even showed ‘emotion’. “Our thoughts go out to…..” This is such bullshit! It is a lame excuse for not acting. Sure, there will be coming stricter rules for travelers. Do not trust these stupid rules. If people are going to be checked before they enter an airport or railway station, do you really think it will stop the idiots who are out there to spread fear and death? That is a joke! Those rules will be very annoying for good willing and hardworking people but it will definitely not stop the bastards. 

Yesterday evening I read a post of a friend of mine on Face Book. He said it would be time for society to go out on the streets all over the world to protest. It is a nice idea but I doubt if it would help. What this world needs right now is a few strong leaders who do not come with a lot of crap. Leaders who know how to change things for the better. At the moment the world is ruled by another bunch of idiots who are depending on the powerful industries that pay a lot of money to support their slaves to be chosen. 

In America and Europe, the right extremists are becoming bigger and bigger. All because their mouths are bigger than their brains. And that is appealing to a big amount of people. Sure I can understand the frustration and anger. Did I say ‘understand’? I feel exactly the same. But those barkers have no real solutions. They are not the leaders this world is waiting for right now. If it were not so serious this would be funny: Those barkers blame socialists (and that is not communists!) atheists and pacifists for all that goes wrong in this world. However, I have never seen an atheist shouting “We will kill them all!!” for instance. It’s the extremists who are the biggest danger when it comes to a peaceful society. And it makes no difference if they are Muslim-, Jewish-, or Christian extremists. We should fear all extremists.

Now I am curious about your opinions.

Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return.