LGBT Stands Strong!

Saturday, June 18, 2016


They were sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and beloved grandchildren. Maybe some were mothers or fathers. They had friends and lovers. And then some guy with a twisted mind ended their lives. We will never hear the real motives but I guess it is safe to say that the murderer had strong (physical) feelings for men but was not allowed to give in to his own feelings because of his religion. No for us, people with common sense, that should not be a motive to kill. People with common sense use their brains and make the right choices. People with brains that are infected and intoxicated with hate cannot think right anymore. They become frustrated, rebellious and angry. Sometimes with horrifying results.

The danger is always and everywhere around and it comes in many forms. As if this every-day danger is not enough we now also have to fear other people and that, in my mind, is pretty disturbing if not disgusting. Many of you might not like the idea but often these killers do have religious motives. Please do not get me wrong here: For the vast majority religions bring comfort in difficult times, it gives hope and can be a ‘guide’ through life. There is nothing wrong with that. 

What I am referring to are the extremists whether they are Muslims, Jews or Christians. It is this kind of people who think they can put their beliefs onto others no matter how or what. And if they totally disagree with the way others like to live they want to have them dead. Killed that is. Their twisted minds are obsessed and intoxicated with hate and anger. That in itself might be pitiful of course but society has to be protected from these weirdos. 

Last week everybody was putting the blame on everybody. The worst was Trump and his supporters blaming President Obama for last week’s killing spree. Because Obama does not even mention the “Islamic terrorists”. The GOP seems to have forgotten who started all the misery we are right in now. The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) keeps telling us that it is not the guns that kill but the people using them. That is the world upside down. Without their (assault) weapons these disgusting killing sprees could not even happen. 

But it was not only politicians behaving in a disgusting way. The Westboro Baptist Church members came out with their ugly signs again like “Gay marriage dooms nations” and “God hates fags”. No Christian empathy of course. Only hate

As if it was not bad enough already, Pastor Roger Jimenez of the Verity Baptist church (why for Christ’s sake are there so many churches/religions? Was one God not good for them?) even surpassed the WBC with his hate speech in the church where he said it was too bad that the killer was not able to finish his job! A link is placed at the bottom of this blog.

The Vatican condemned the shooting in Orlando, just like they always respond to tragedies. The big difference here was that he did not mention the LGBT community. Not even a single syllable! Well, it actually did not surprise me at all. The Vatican hates the LGBT community too despite the pope’s announcement earlier this year that churches should be welcoming gay people too. As long as they do not practice gay sex!
What puzzles me most is the fact that so many people still like to listen to all this bullshit. Among the first reactions after that bloody Sunday morning were many that were calling for prayers. Why should I pray when the same churches rather see me dead than alive? I know… I said it before but I simply cannot understand this kind of masochism at all. 

As part of the LGBT community, we all had difficulties coming out one way or the other. We all were scared of being abandoned by our families and some friends. We all thought we might lose our job. And yet we decided to come out. That was probably the biggest challenge for each and every one of us. And the majority of us were feeling very lonesome at those moments. No community to back us up. We had to make our own choice and we all had to face our own families, friends, and colleagues. Of course, we knew there was a community that was there for us. But we had to come out all by ourselves. At a young age, we were going against the grain. That took us a lot of courage! 

Let us all find renewed strength and show the world that we are here. That we are part of the community. That we too are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandchildren, maybe mothers and fathers and also friends and lovers. Let us show the world that we stand strong.

Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return.