Silly Me Two

Sunday, May 29, 2016

After I left my friend who became a follower of Bhagwan I got my own house where I lived all alone for a few years. Until I met this guy who lived in another town. For several reasons, I preferred moving in with him. This relationship ended soon after I started studying nursing. He was disappointed that I had chosen the study over our relationship. Frankly, I never have understood this attitude he showed. Nevertheless, I was fine being on my own again. That was 1997 and there was no relationship until 2007. In The Philippines. Unfortunately, this one lasted not too long as well.

Since 1985 I also had something going on with a man who definitely did not want to live together. We were together a few days per month. He passed away in 2002.

All my life I never considered myself to be different and I still do not. It is only when I read the papers that I am aware of the fact that people are making this difference. Therefore I never liked gay parades telling that ‘I’m proud’. After all, what is there to be proud of? Sure, I can be proud of the things I did. But proud of being just me? Please do not get me wrong here. In the ’70s and 80’s I was very active in demonstrating for equal rights. I have worn shoes out walking all those demonstrations. And we succeeded very well. Things have changed for the better. In many countries. But we were demonstrating our rights. Now that was something to be proud of! Why on earth should I be proud of being gay? Why should you be proud of being straight? It is such bullshit! 

All I see –and I must admit that it comes through the media so the picture may be obscured- is a bunch of people showing off. In the Netherlands ministers are ‘proud’ to be invited on boats during the canal parade. The outcome is very clear; they like all the media attention. However, nobody knows what the purpose of that canal parade is. It does not serve any goal. Except for the fact that it attracts ten thousands of people who like to watch all the clowns passing by in their boats. 

I guess you will understand by now that these ways of showing off are definitely not my cup of tea. And no, I am not hiding in the closet. It is just that I do not feel the need to pretend to be somebody who I am not. I guess that is the matter with most attendants. Most have ‘normal’ jobs and have to behave ‘decent’ always and these parades give them the opportunity to be…… Yes… to be what exactly? I wonder if they know themselves. Believe me; the last demonstrations I was in it all started already with the big showing off. And I have seen a lot. It is all about having fun.

This is what bothers me most; it is not fighting for equal rights anymore. There are countries where gay people are put behind bars, where people who assault gays don’t even get arrested, where gay people get a death sentence. But the partying gay community does not give a damn about that injustice. They prefer to party, not realizing they are nothing more than circus clowns. They do nothing to get more respect. In my opinion, they damage the case more than they do well. And that worries me very much.
And now I am curious to see your response (if any!)

And this is the person you can respond to!
Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return.

By the way: Have you seen my blog about my book Kalapati ?