Good Manners And Politicians

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Here now is something I really feel is needed to be said. Well…. I have to get it off my chest. There is too much going on in our world right now. And there is a lot I am not happy about at all. 

First of all I will tell that the difference between communism and socialism is small, nevertheless important. To put it simply, communism is an extreme form of socialism. Communism easily leads to dictatorships. The big examples today are Cuba and North Korea. Socialism is called left while conservatism is right. (Of course there are more differences. In my opinion, this is the main one)

In The Netherlands there have been only 3 left governments since WW II. And yet left gets blamed for many things that people say is wrong. My personal guess is that they do not want to blame the conservative parties they have voted for. Often left is being blamed for spilling money. The truth is that the left governments ended with the lowest deficit. So why they are accused of spilling too much money beats me. At the moment a very extreme right party is doing very well in the Netherlands. The leader blames the Muslims (especially the people that came from Morocco) for almost everything and he made it very clear many times that he wants them out. True, people can think whatever they like and since we have freedom of speech everybody can say what he likes.

Or… can we? It sounds really nice to have freedom of speech but I do not think that it means that you can insult people or spread hatred and bigotry. Together with the freedom of speech comes also a responsibility. Unfortunately not too many people want to know about that.

For a long time now I have noticed that politicians are becoming rude people, showing no respect at all. History shows us there were some great leaders. And all of them showed dignity. They used common sense to make their point. Whether you agreed with them or not, at least you could respect them. These days it is not wisdom that makes politicians great leaders. They are scolding their opponents and use everything to put others down. Even the size of a penis. Could someone explain to me what on earth that has to do with politics? Would it not be much more important to show their opinions? Would we not like to hear how they are going to solve problems? And by all means, the men I am referring to are so-called ‘decent’ and devoted Christians or Protestants. Conservatives. 

This morning I read in the newspaper that Trump is attacking Clinton on things her husband did. Excuse me? He himself has been married three times. I am not judgmental on this but how then can he blame others when it comes to adultery? And as Protestant we might assume he knows his holy book. Was it not written there that Jesus told his apostles who made bad comments on Maria Magdalena “Who are you to criticize her?” That line often seems to be forgotten. 

It seems like a virus spreading all over the world. Russia has Putin, Syria Assad, Turkey has Erdogan and it is not unthinkable that America will have Trump. Other countries show the same tendencies. Big leaders? None of them is!  They are all oppressing their own people. Erdogan even got Europe to accuse people who insult him. In his own country, he closes newspapers that do not agree with him. Freedom of speech? That is a killer! 

The rude people with big mouths are in charge. And as soon as they are in charge they turn their own people down. It puzzles me why people vote for this scum. They insult other people and other countries. They have no dignity whatsoever. 

And the unhappy folks keep on putting the blame on the politicians who have a heart instead of a cold stone. For instance: Trump’s credo is ‘Make America big again’. Excuse me? Under Obama, the economy grew and during his 8 years, America created lots more jobs. Something wrong with that? 

I could go on and on but just like to express some of my thoughts. And I cannot conclude anything else that the majority of the people either do not think or they must be masochists. They like it when women and gay people are being oppressed. One thing I know for sure, the world did not become a better place at all.
You may or may not agree. Then please leave your comment.

Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return.