Let Us Bring Back Those Happy Days Again Please.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Happy Face

Happy days are here again once was a song, sung by many artists. I think it is safe to say that no artist would dare to sing it now. There is simply no reason to be happy when we take a look at the world and its politicians right now. 2000 years of civilization has not taught us enough yet

A few weeks ago I placed Petula Clark’s hit song  ‘Downtown’ on my FaceBook page and wrote: ‘When the world seemed a better place’. Immediately there was a response. It said something like I was talking bullshit and then a whole list was summed up about what was wrong in the ’60s and ’70s. Sure. I was there! I know it was not all perfect back then and never said that it was. But since I was there and then I can recognize the huge differences. There are fewer wars in the world, causing fewer casualties. Fair enough to bring up that statement and it might be true. However, wars are affecting almost all countries now. And what to think of the terrorist attacks that take place all over the globe? You do not have to live in a war zone to become a victim of war. Fear has been spread all over the world. Unlike in the 60’s and 70’s. Denying that fact is nothing but stupid. 

Fear is the worst advisor we can possibly have. Populists are taking advantage of that, generating lots of followers. Populists with false statements made it possible that the UK is going to split from the European Union. Now there are other countries in the EU where the people demand a referendum to leave the EU. In a way, I even can understand their feelings. There is a big problem. The EU is a huge and cumbersome institution and nobody really understands what the politicians there are doing. All that the Europeans can clearly see is that the EU wants to regulate matters that are internal for the individual countries. The EU wants equal standards for all countries but when the EU started there was no equality to begin with. The poorer countries could not coop and now need help. We are talking billions and billions here. Yes, I can very well understand that people are not happy, seeing their tax money going to other countries. But leaving the EU is not the solution. It would be better to demand more transparency and less interference with individual countries. Frankly, I would not care if it even would take some sort of revolution. The EU seems to find big money much more important than the people’s welfare and health. What we see happening now is that people are turning to populists who blame foreigners (mind you: refugees) for everything they can think of. And unfortunately, too many people do believe these liars. We saw the same shit happen in the ’30s and we learned very little of it. 

Not only in Europe is this going on right now. Look at the US of A., In my opinion, Obama has to lead the country through the crisis in a very good way. And what are the people calling for? A change to make America ‘big’ again: Donald Trump. This man exactly knows how to attract people. Not the people who understand politics of course. No, the vast majority that never thinks. They don’t bother to check if the man is lying or not. They simply do not give a damn. What really scares me is that those populists never come up with solutions. Sure it is easy to say “I will have you pay less tax”. But is it realistic? Unfortunately, people too often hear the words but never think a bit further.

In Russia, we have mister president Putin. People who openly criticize him are easily put in jail. He is provoking neighboring countries. I wouldn’t call him the perfect neighbor I could wish for. Let alone I trust him leading a country.

In Turkey mister Erdogan is ‘clearing up’ the country in a way one would think is impossible in the 21st century. Soon he will be another modern dictator. The scary thing here is that he is calling for help from Turkish people, living in Europe. He wants to know exactly who is a follower of his rival Gülen who lives in America for over 10 years now. Erdogan wants the world to believe that Gülen was the brain behind the military coup a few weeks ago. To me, it is very clear this coup was a set-up by Erdogan himself. A real coup could not be stopped within only a few hours of course by policemen. And as soon as the people behind the coup where caught Erdogan had thousands of people arrested who had turned their backs against him. This to me shows it was all carefully planned just to give him a ‘legal’ chance to reinforce his power. 

All the above are examples of how things are in this world right now. Not all threatening us directly maybe but still scared enough. Perhaps it is all true that there are fewer wars. However, it does not necessarily mean that the world is safer or a better place now. You may argue that many people are better off now financially and that might be true for the Western countries but is that the way to measure a safe and good world? I would not think so. If some idiot sets off a bomb because his ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ wants it (which is ridiculous in the first place!) and you happen to be there all of the money and wealth in the world cannot help you there.
It is sad to say so but I cannot see the world is a good place right now. Money still rules and the gap between rich and poor is getting larger. 2000 years of civilization and we still behave nothing better than 2000 years ago. It makes mankind the most pitiful creature in a world that could be beautiful and in harmony. 

“Happy days are here again”. If only that could be true!

Love the ones you’re with and be loved in return